President Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets with Lao NA Chairman

During his official friendship visit to Laos, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on August 10 met with Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Saysomphone Phomvihane.

At the meeting, Phuc congratulated Saysomphone on being elected as Chairman of the Lao National Assembly and highly appreciated the results of the first session of the 9th National Assembly.

Chairman Saysomphone warmly welcomed President Phuc, saying that Phuc’s visit would contribute to further tightening the close relationship and special solidarity between the two countries.

The two leaders were pleased to see that despite impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the cooperation between the two legislatures has still well developed with many meetings between senior leaders of the two agencies.

The Vietnamese President said the two legislatures should continue exchanging experience, hold conferences and seminars in flexible forms and closely coordinate and support each other at regional and international parliamentary forums./.