Meeting with Hai Phongofficials and people, President Sang expressed his delight at the portcity’s socio-economic development.
In 2011, Hai Phong registeredan economic growth rate of 11 percent, 1.9 times higher than thecountry’s average rate, fulfilled 12 out of 15 major targets andattracted 946 million USD in FDI.
At the Vietnam People’s Navyheadquarters, President Sang spoke highly of the Navy’s determination todefend the country’s sovereignty and maintain a peaceful environment.
Hesaid he believes that the Navy will continue promoting their strongtradition, increase drilling exercises and continue renewing defenceexternal affairs, creating more strength for the armed forces.
Speakingto officers and soldiers of Military Zone 3, the President stressed thestrategic position of Military Zone 3 in the country’s northeast. Themilitary zone’s armed forces have been on standby for defence, floodprevention and rescue and closely monitoring military activities alongthe border line and at sea and islands, contributing to maintainingstability in the locality and defending the country’s sovereignty.
Also the same day, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung visited the NA Office, wishing them a Happy New Year./.