President Phuc, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam will visit Thailand and attend the APECevent, held in Bangkok from November 16 to 19, at the invitation of Thai PrimeMinister Prayut Chan-o-cha.
Talking to the press, Deputy MinisterNgoc said the trip holds special importance to both countries as it will markthe official resumption of in-person mutual visits and thus, further promotethe two countries’ comprehensive cooperation.
He elaborated that this is the firstvisit to Thailand by President Phuc as the State leader of Vietnam and also thefirst visit by a key Vietnamese leader after the 13th National PartyCongress and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Besides, President Phuc is the firstforeign leader to pay an official visit to Thailand ahead of the 29th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. The host’s welcome for him amid itspreparations for the APEC event shows its respect for the reinforcement of theenhanced strategic partnership.
The trip also takes place on thethreshold of the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam - Thailandstrategic partnership in 2023, Ngoc noted, highlighting the maintained contactat all levels between the two States, Governments, parliaments, and peoples,along with great strides in different spheres, especially economy, trade, andinvestment.
This is an occasion for Vietnameseand Thai leaders to discuss major orientations for further promoting economic,trade, and investment links; expanding cooperation to new and potential areaslike digital economy, digital transformation, and green economy; and steppingup cooperation in culture, education, sports, people-to-people exchange, andlocality-to-locality ties, he said.
He expressed his belief that thevisit will demonstrate Vietnamese and Thai leaders’ strong determination tounceasingly promote the enhanced strategic partnership, thereby contributing toASEAN solidarity as well as regional and global peace, stability, cooperation,and development.
The official said during the APEC EconomicLeaders’ Week, President Phuc will engage in a number of multilateral andbilateral activities, including two in-depth discussions where he and heads ofdelegations from 21 member economies will look into the situation, solutions todifficulties, and measures for accelerating economic recovery and boostingbalanced, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
This is a chance for Vietnam to shareits viewpoints and experience and suggest orientations so that APEC cooperationwill contribute more effectively to the settlement of common challenges in theregion, for the sake of all members, according to Ngoc.
He added that the Vietnamesedelegation will make active, proactive, and responsible participation inmeetings; uphold the dialogue and solidarity spirit and multilateralism; andjoin other members to seek solutions to help APEC surmount difficulties andchallenges, protect the obtained achievements and core values of cooperation,and continue developing strongly in the future.
Through the APEC meeting, Vietnamwill show international friends and businesses itself as a dynamic and creativeeconomy with fast and sustainable development.
In the time to come, it will continue joining other APEC members to overcomechallenges and build an open, dynamic, resilient, and peaceful Asia-Pacificcommunity, the deputy minister noted./.