Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrives in US

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrived in Washington D.C. on May 11 morning (local time), starting his seven-day trip to attend the Special ASEAN-US Summit and a working visit to the US and the United Nations.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrives in US ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (right, front) arrived in Washington D.C. on May 11 morning (local time) (Photo: VNA)
Washington (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrived in Washington D.C. on May 11 morning (local time), starting his seven-day trip to attend the Special ASEAN-US Summit and a working visit to the US and the United Nations.

Welcoming the leader and his entourage at Andrews military airport were US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Knapper, Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Dung and officials from the Vietnamese Embassy in the US.

During the trip, PM Chinh will participate in activities within the framework of the Special ASEAN-US Summit, have bilateral meetings with leaders from the US and some ASEAN countries, and hold working sessions with UN leaders.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrives in US ảnh 2PM Chinh was welcomed by officials from the Vietnamese Embassy in the US (Photo: VNA)
He will also meet leaders of a number of US ministries, agencies, international organisations, businesses, experts and scholars, and visit some economic, cultural and education establishments in the country. The leader will deliver speeches at the US Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Harvard University, and tour several large groups such as Intel, Apple and Google.

PM Chinh will attend trade, tourism and investment promotion activities, and meet Vietnamese community in the US.

The PM’s trip once again affirms Vietnam’s constant stance in implementing a foreign policy of independence and self-reliance for peace, friendship, cooperation and development, multilateralising and diversifying foreign relations; being a friend, a reliable partner, and an active, responsible member in the international community; ensuring the highest interest of the country and nation on the basis of fundamental principles of the UN Charter and international law as well as equality, cooperation and mutual benefit. Through the trip, the Vietnamese Government aims to continue to implement the overseas Vietnamese affairs, affirming that Vietnamese residing abroad, including the US, is an indispensable part of the Vietnamese community./.

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