Prime Minister receives foreign ambassadors

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received the Azerbaijani and Spanish ambassadors in Hanoi on October 25, saying that Vietnam wants to further promote cooperation with the countries.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received the Azerbaijani and Spanish ambassadors in Hanoi on October 25, saying that Vietnam wants to further promote cooperation with the countries.

At a reception for Azerbaijani Ambassador Anar Imanov, the Prime Minister emphasised that the two countries have seen the fine development of relations in all fields, affirming the great potential for bilateral cooperation.

Vietnam wants to join with Azerbaijan to deepen their ties, particularly cooperation in economics, trade, investment and people-to-people exchange, he said.

The Vietnamese Government will create favourable conditions for the ambassador to fulfil his task in Vietnam, PM Dung assured.

Welcoming Azerbaijan’s opening of its embassy in Vietnam, the PM said that Vietnam is mulling over opening its own embassy in Azerbaijan soon.

Ambassador Anar Imanov said his country attaches special importance to boosting cooperation with Vietnam, affirming that this is one of the priorities in Azerbaijan’s external policies.

He said he wants Vietnam to open its embassy in his country soon, and affirmed that he will do his utmost to boost cooperation with Vietnam.

Receiving Spanish Ambassador Alfonso Tena Garcia, PM Dung affirmed that Vietnam wants to promote cooperation with the European country for their mutual benefit.

He suggested the two sides focus on expanding bilateral economic cooperation, enhancing two-way trade, while joining hands in infrastructure development, science-technology and tourism.

He said the Government will create favourable conditions for Spanish businesses to do long-term business in Vietnam .

The PM asked Spain to maintain its provision of official development assistance to Vietnam and increase student scholarships.

Ambassador Alfonso Tena Garcia said many Spanish companies want to find partners in Vietnam, and affirmed he will closely work with the two countries’ relevant ministries and agencies to promote multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.-VNA

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