Prime Minister visits Pasteur Institute in Paris

As part of his official visit to France, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh worked with the Pasteur Institute in Paris on the morning of November 5 (local time).

Speaking at the working session, the officials of the Pasteur Institute said that for many years, Pasteur Paris and three Pasteur Institutes of Vietnam have worked together in disease research, community healthcare development and response to diseases, especially in the fight against COVID-19.

Prime Minister Chinh thanked the Pasteur Institute for its assistance to Vietnam over the years, particularly in scientific, technical and financial support and the monitoring of COVID-19 tests.

The Vietnamese government leader urged enhanced cooperation between the two sides in preventive medicine, technology support and human resources training, among others.

He also suggested that the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, relevant French agencies and the Pasteur Institute boost cooperation in vaccine production./.