Profits double from growing organic pomelos

Many farmers have doubled their profits since moving to growing organic pomelos, with sales rising and more tourists visiting their orchards. Join us to learn more about organic pomelo growing in Bac Giang province.

Nearly 2 hectares of pomelos are grown under the Que Lam organic farming model by Tran Dinh En in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province. The orchard earns more than 1 billion VND each year after investment costs are deducted. 

Truong Van Luu’s red pomelo garden in Luc Nam district also applies the organic farming model and has created a good ecological environment, which attracts large numbers of visitors during the flowering season. 

The organic farming model helps pomelo trees achieve a longer fruit-harvest cycle than usual and a greater yield. Farmers who have experience in growing organic pomelos also hope to replicate the organic production of other crops in the locality./.