Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister NguyenXuan Phuc has approved a project on developing domestic infrastructure inconnection with the regional systems.
The project focuses on building transport aswell as information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.
It prioritises transport infrastructuredevelopment near key economic hubs and gateways, with approximately 2,000 morekm of highways to be put into operation by 2020.
The plan also includes building new coastalroads and border patrol paths and completing unfinished sections of the Ho ChiMinh highway.
Other routes will be upgraded, particularlythose connecting Vietnamese sea ports with neighbouring countries such as Laos,Thailand and Cambodia.
Concerning ICT infrastructure development,the project focuses on e-government in abid to increase Vietnam’s position in the UN e-government rankings.
It aims to utilise IT in the management andoperation of the nation’s socio-economic infrastructure, making it a priority forall sectors.
The IT industry will be supported to growquickly and sustainably, while connections between the domestic and regional ITinfrastructure will be made in line with the ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2020.-VNA