Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers

Farmers in Son La province have benefited from an Australian project to produce safe vegetable. Thanks to this, many ethnic families have escaped from poverty and earned a good income.
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 1Trained in safe vegetable production model initiated by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) 'Improving livelihoods in Myanmar and Vietnam through vegetable value chains', ethnic people in Van Ho district, Son La, are now using new cultivation methods which help raise their income from farming (Photo: VNA)
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 2The project develops a channel for supplying vegetables farmers grew to modern retail markets in Hanoi. This project will make sure the new vegetable chains are reliable, inclusive, sustainable, and scalable (Photo: VNA)
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 3Many families in Van Ho have increased their incomes from growing vegetables according to VietGAP standards (Photo: VNA)
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 4 Farmers receive technical assistance from the project staff (Photo: VNA)
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 5The safe vegetable production model is increasingly attracting local farmers (Photo: VNA)
Project promotes sustainable livelihood for farmers ảnh 6Improving the livelihoods for rural and ethnic people is being implemented by many localities and international organizations (Photo: VNA)

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