Thirty-fivepercent of the sum will be doled out for building and repairing schoolsin poor localities, buying teaching aids and learning kits for teachersand students, granting scholarships to outstanding poor pupils andteaching English, as well as training students in insurance knowledgeand poor women in family finance management.
The money will alsobe used to sponsor sporting activities, medical check-ups andtreatment, eye surgery, and keeping the environment clean and green.
Thefund will use 30 percent of the money to present gifts to disabled andorphan children, Agent Orange victims, poor people and beneficiaryfamilies; build gift houses for families in difficulty and help poorwomen and students.
The Prudence Vietnam Fund was founded in2003 with an initial capital of 2.7 million USD. Over the past eightyears, the fund has sponsored English language teaching programmes,sports training for adolescents and information technologyscholarships./.

Vietnam wins Mister Tourism World 2025
Vietnamese model Nguyen Huu Hung outshined 24 contestants from various countries and territories to be crowned Mister Tourism World 2025.