Quang Binh (VNA) – Remains of 17 Vietnamese volunteersoldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Laos during the war werelaid to rest at Ba Doc Martyrs’ Cemetery in Bo Trach district of the centralQuang Binh province on May 9.
The remains were found and repatriated in the 2018-2019 dryseason by Team 589 under the Military Command of Quang Binh, as part of theVietnam-Laos agreement on the operations.
This is the 40th time that Quang Binh hasreceived, commemorated and buried remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers andexperts who laid down their lives in Laos.
Addressing the ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Quang BinhPeople’s Committee Tran Tien Dung thanked the Party, government and people ofLaos’ Khammouane province for supporting the operations, as well as theassistance of the two Governments, Defence Ministries and relevant agencies in thesearch for the remains.
Dung underlined that in the coming time, the PartyCommittee, administration and people of Quang Binh will continue exertingefforts to further boost the locality’s growth and reinforce the specialfriendship between Vietnam and Laos.
Along with taking care of the martyrs’ graves, the provincewill continue searching for and repatriating remains of Vietnamese martyrs fromLaos, he added.-VNA