Quang Ninh: 12,000 smuggled chickens culled

Law-enforcement force in Hai Ha district, Quang Ninh province on February 28 confiscated 12,000 breeding chickens smuggled from China.
Quang Ninh: 12,000 smuggled chickens culled ảnh 1Breeding chickens seized by Quang Ninh's law-enforcement force. (Source: VNA)

Quang Ninh (VNA) – Law-enforcement force in Hai Ha district, Quang Ninh province on February 28 confiscated 12,000 breeding chickens smuggled from China.

The Quang Duc border guard station in Quang Duc commune, Hai Ha district and Bac Phong Sinh’s customs division discovered chickens carried in 170 plastic boxes on a truck driven by Be Van Quy, who lives in Hai Ha district.

All the chickens were destroyed to prevent the spread of H7N9 bird flu from China.

Quy confessed that he had transported the chickens for another person from the border to inland for sale.

According to the World Health Organisation, the ongoing bird flu bout in China is the fifth since 2013. This is the largest epidemic with 425 cases of infection in human reported, mainly in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong provinces.

Guangxi and Yunnan share a border with Vietnam.-VNA

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