Quang Ninh: Disbursement of public investment increases 43 percent in seven months

The northern province of Quang Ninh disbursed more than 8.1 trillion VND (352.8 million USD) as of July 31, equivalent to 43.3 percent of the plan for the full year, according to the province’s Department of Planning and Investment (DPI).
Quang Ninh: Disbursement of public investment increases 43 percent in seven months ảnh 1Van Don - Mong Cai highway, one of Quang Ninh’s three key projects, is expected to be inaugurated on January 1 next year at the latest. (Photo: quangninh.gov.vn)

Quang Ninh (VNA) – The northern province of Quang Ninh disbursed more than 8.1 trillion VND (352.8 million USD) as of July 31, equivalent to 43.3 percent of the plan for the full year, according to the province’s Department of Planning and Investment (DPI).

It represented an increase of 5.5 percent compared to the same period last year.

With such a good disbursement, it is expected that many key projects of Quang Ninh province will be inaugurated on schedule. Specifically, three projects of the Van Don - Mong Cai highway, Ha Long - Cam Pha coastal road, and Cua Luc 1 bridge are expected to be inaugurated on January 1 next year at the latest.

The Ha Long - Cam Pha coastal road, which connects Ha Long and Cam Pha city, is part of the provincial transport development plan through 2020 with a vision to 2030.

The project has a total investment of over 1.36 trillion VND (59 million USD) sourced from the local budget. It is designed to have four lanes for vehicles with a maximum speed of 60km per hour. 

Once the project's construction is completed, it is expected to attract domestic and foreign tourists to spiritual, resort and medical tourism sites in the province, especially popular destinations such as Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay.
With an investment of over 2.1 trillion VND (89.26 million USD), the Cua Luc 1 Bridge and connecting roads will have a total length of over 4.2km.

The project is scheduled for completion in 2022 which is expected to ease the overload of Bai Chay Bridge and ensure smooth traffic between the north and south of Ha Long, even during the rainy season.

According to provincial Department of Planning and Investment, in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, Quang Ninh has performed well in disbursing public investment capital thanks to its concentrated resources for investment, which has ensured expenditure tasks, especially for important projects.

There is no need to supplement additional capital for its key projects, but focussing on disbursement of capial that was planned at the beginning of the year. Investment procedures are being completed to ensure the progress of the projects, the department said.

The settlement of outstanding debts for basic construction is done step by step. However, there arose some factors that affected the province’s disbursement of public investment capital this year, it said.

The COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of the year has slowed down the collection of land use fees and leasing water surface of localities.

As a result, it affected the balance of the capital already arranged for the projects as well as the progress of their implementation and disbursement.

For projects using capital from the new rural building programme, the capital was not allocated until April, thus, the disbursement would be made after June 30.

Quang Ninh province has the target of 100 percent of public investment as planned at the beginning of the year. By the end of the third quarter, the disbursement will reach at least 80 percent.

It is striving to achieve the gross regional domestic product of over 10 percent for the whole year and total state budget revenue will obtain 51 trillion VND (2.2 billion USD).

To achieve the above targets, the province will focus on accelerating the construction progress of key projects such as Van Don - Mong Cai expressway, Ha Long - Cam Pha coastal road, Cua Luc 1 bridge, Cua Luc 3 bridge, a road connecting Ha Long - Hai Phong highway and provincial road 338, said the Department of Planning and Investment.

It will also tighten financial discipline at all levels and attach responsibilities of heads of agencies, units, and localities to disbursement results, considering this an important basis for evaluation of officials.

Outstanding debt relating to basic construction will be strictly controlled. The project is implemented only when the capital source and balance of capital have been identified. Heads of localities have to take responsibility for any outstanding debts incurs, the department said./.


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