Reference exchange rate adjusted down by 4 VND

The State Bank of Vietnam adjusted its reference VND/USD exchange rate down by 4 VND to 22,407 VND/USD on the morning of January 5.
Reference exchange rate adjusted down by 4 VND ảnh 1The reference VND/USD exchange rate was adjusted down by 4 VND to 22,407 VND/USD on the morning of January 5 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The State Bank of Vietnam adjusted its reference VND/USD exchange rate down by 4 VND to 22,407 VND/USD on the morning of January 5.
With the current  +/- 3 percent VND/USD trading band, the ceiling exchange rate is 23,070 VND per USD and the floor rate is 21,734 VND per USD.

Major commercial banks kept their rates stable.

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Vietcombank offered 22,675 VND (buying) and 22,745 VND (selling), per USD, unchanged from the day earlier.

Vietinbank posted 22,675 VND (buying), and 22,744 VND (selling), per USD, also unchanged from January 4.

Meanwhile, BIDV bought one USD for 22,680 VND and sold one USD for 22,750 VND, up by 5 VND from the rates it offered on the morning of January 4.-VNA

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