Reference exchange rate down 10 VND on April 28

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,262 VND per USD on April 28, down 10 VND from the previous day.
Reference exchange rate down 10 VND on April 28 ảnh 1Transactions at Vietcombank (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) -
The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,262 VND per USD on April 28, down 10 VND from the previous day.

With the current trading band of  +/-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,960 VND/USD and the floor rate 22,564 VND/USD.

The opening hour rates at commercial banks saw sharp decreases.

At 8:25 am, Vietcombank cut both rates by 30 VND, listing the buying rate at 23,340 VND/USD, and the selling rate at 23,550 VND/USD.

BIDV was listing the buying rate at 23,365 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,545 VND/USD, both down 30 VND from April 27.

Meanwhile, at Techcombank, both the rates went down by 27 VND to 23,353 VND/USD (buying), and 23,553 VND/USD (selling)./.

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