Hanoi (VNA) - The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,240VND per USD on June 8, down 5 VND from the last working day of previous week (June5).
With thecurrent trading band of +/-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercialbanks during the day is 23,937 VND/USD and the floor rate 22,543 VND/USD.
The openinghour rates at commercial banks saw slight fluctuations.
At 8:25 am,Vietcombank listed the buying rate at 23,130 VND/USD and the selling rate at23,340 VND/USD, unchanged from June 5.
At BIDV, bothrates were reduced by 5 VND to 23,160 VND/USD (buying), and 23,340 VND/USD(selling).
Techcombankadjusted both rates down 4 VND to 23,140 VND/USD (buying), and 23,340 VND/USD(selling).
During theweek from June 1 to 5, the daily reference exchange rate followed a downwardtrend for most of the week before turning around to go up on Friday and endedthe week down 11 VND from Monday.
The rates atcommercial banks also ended the week much lower than at the week’s beginning./.