Reference exchange rate goes down at week’s beginning

The daily reference exchange rate on June 26 was set at 22,431 VND per USD, down 1 VND compared to the rate on the last working day of last week (June 23).
Reference exchange rate goes down at week’s beginning ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The daily reference exchange rate on June 26 was set at 22,431 VND per USD, down 1 VND compared to the rate on the last working day of last week (June 23).

With the current trading band of +/-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,103 VND and the floor rate 21,759 VND per USD.

The rates listed at commercial banks on June 26 morning saw almost no change.

BIDV listed it buying rate at 22,690 VND and selling rate at 22,760 VND per USD, the same as on June 23.

Techcombank also maintained the same rates as on June 23, at 22,680 VND (buying) and 22,770 VND (selling).

Meanwhile, Vietcombank raised both rates by 5 VND, to 22,695 VND (buying) and 22,765 VND (selling).-VNA


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