Reference exchange rate up on August 24

The daily reference exchange rate for August 24 was adjusted up 10 VND from the previous day to 22,688 VND.
Reference exchange rate up on August 24 ảnh 1Transaction at Vietcombank (Source: internet)

Hanoi (VNA)
- The daily reference exchange rate for August 24 was adjusted up 10 VND from the previous day to 22,688 VND.

With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,373 VND/USD and the floor rate 22,013 VND/USD.

The opening hour rates at commercial banks saw little change from August 23, with Vietcombank and BIDV maintaining the same rates as on the previous day while Vietinbank adjusted its rates up.

Vietcombank is listing the buying rate at 23,240 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,320 VND/USD.

BIDV Techcombank is keeping its rates at 23,230 VND/USD (buying) and 23,310 VND/USD (selling).

Meanwhile, at Vietinbank, the greenback is being bought at 23,234 VND/USD and sold at 23,314 VND/USD, both up 10 VND from August 15.

During the week from August 20 – 24, the daily reference exchange rate was up on three consecutive days before going down on Thursday and Friday.-VNA

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