Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended a ceremony onApril 18 to launch a remote medical examination and treatment platform and Bluezone application to help the community in COVID-19 prevention and control.
At the event,doctors from the Hanoi Medical University Hospital used the remote medicalexamination and treatment platform to connect with the general hospital ofMuong Khuong district in the northern mountainous province of Lao Cai to make electrocardiographicconsultations and ultrasound scans remotely for people with chronic diseaseswho should be examined.
They also connectedonline with the general hospital of Ha Tinh city in the central province of thesame name, and offered online check-up for a patient in Quang Xuong district ofcentral Thanh Hoa province.
The doctors providedthorough consultations for the patients through an app on their mobile phones,in which they can see each other.
Meanwhile, Bluezoneis a solution applying the Bluetooth low energy (BLE). When smartphones are installedwith the Bluezone app, they are able to detect others within 2 metres andmemorize themselves. If the app user is positive for the SARS-CoV-2 (known asF0), through the saved data, health authorities can identify the F1 in closecontact with F0 and the system will alert the F1 users about the risk ofinfection. They will be also provided with instructions to contact thecompetent health authorities for assistance. It is worth mentioning that the Bluezoneapp is confidential, anonymous and transparent, as it only stores data on theuser's phone, and does not transfer user’s information and location to thesystem.
Speaking at the event, PM Phuc highly evaluated the remote medical examination and treatment platform. He emphasised that thisis an initial milestone towards the digital transformation of the health sectorand towards a larger goal of becoming a digital and smart nation.
The platform, developed by the Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group, to be deployed with low initial costs, he said, adding that itcan help save money and time for patients and reduce overloading at higher-level hospitals.
The Government leader also praised the Bluezone app forpromptly providing people with another tool to safeguard their health and thecommunity.
He asked the Ministries of Information and Communication, andHealth to coordinate in speeding up digital transformation in the healthsector and gradually forming a healthcare and disease prevention system based ondigital technology, and applying digital technology in all health clinics.
PM Phuc also lauded efforts made by doctors, technology experts andbusinesses in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 outbreak requires hospitals to offer moreremote medical examination channels to help people gain timely, convenient andsafe access to health services, he stressed.
The PM asked the Hanoi Medical UniversityHospital to drastically implement remote medical check-ups and treatment, andrequested to Heath Ministry to expand the application to other hospitalsacross the nation./.