Residents in Dong Tam commune join hands to build new-style rural area

More than eight months after a serious incident causing public disorder in Dong Tam commune in Hanoi’s outskirt district of My Duc, the situation in the commune has returned to normal and local residents are joining in efforts to build new-style rural area, looking towards a bright future.
Residents in Dong Tam commune join hands to build new-style rural area ảnh 1A paved road in Dong Tam commune (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – More than eight months after a serious incident causing public disorder in Dong Tam commune in Hanoi’s outskirt district of My Duc, the situation in the commune has returned to normal and local residents are joining in efforts to build new-style rural area, looking towards a bright future.

New-style rural area building casts new look to Dong Tam

Developing new-style rural area has brought about a facelift to the commune, with paved roads running across villages and hamlets, and public works such as schools, medical facilities and markets upgraded, thus improving the local living conditions and opening up more opportunities for economic development.

The improvement was the result of the communal People’s Committee’s timely direction and enhanced management in all sectors.

In the coming time, the local authority will boost economic restructuring towards increasing share of industry-service in the economy, encourage the application of advanced technologies in farming, promote large-scale agricultural production, and enhance vocational training.

Due attention will be also paid to construction of public works, comprehensive implementation of social welfare policies, as well as stabilisation of social order in all circumstances.

According to Le Dinh Luong, secretary of the party cell and head of Dong Tam commune’s Hoanh village, local people have been unanimous to build a better commune after public order was restored.

“We are working to complete all standards for a new-style rural area by the end of 2021. The focus will be on dividing farmland for four residential areas by the end of this year. After that, investment will be made in power system, irrigation, and roads to fields.”

Nguyen Van Tinh, a resident in Hoanh village, said the incident in Dong Tam is a sad story. The wrongdoers had been convicted, and locals’ lives had returned to normal, he said, adding that the most burning desire for him and other locals is to build a better Dong Tam, turning it into a new-style rural area. 

Nguyen Thi Xuan, also in Hoanh village, said as many locals lack access to social and legal knowledge, and live in difficult economic conditions, she hoped the Party, State and competent authorities will create favourable conditions for Dong Tam to build new style rural area, helping improve local livelihood.

Promoting role of socio-political organisations

One of the lessons drawn from the Dong Tam case is that more attention should be paid to of Party and political system at grassroots level in rural areas. Besides, socio-political organisations have a very important role in popularising legal knowledge.

Head of popularisation and education commission under My Duc district’s Party Committee Dang Van Canh believed that communication work plays a vital role in helping officials and locals have thorough understanding of the Party’s policies and State’s laws.

“The incident in Dong Tam commune demonstrated how important it is for leaders of Party committees and authorities to be deeply aware of the significance of the reception of citizens and settlement of citizens’ petition”, he stressed.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the communal Party committee Phan Van Su said the Dong Tam case is a hard learnt experience for officials, Party members and people in Dong Tam commune. It is a must to build a strong political system and a contingent of officials having adequate capacity and responsibility.

“Concerted coordination among organisations in the political system, from Party committees, authorities, fatherland front to social organisations, and villages is very important since it helps local officials understand people’s thought. Based on it, the right measures will be outlined to meet the people’s expectation,” he said./.

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