Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly passed resolutionsratifying the EU – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and InvestmentProtection Agreement (EVIPA) at its ongoing ninth session in Hanoi on June 8.
The EVFTA received approval of 95.45 percent of voters,while the figure for EVIPA was 94.62 percent.
Both agreements were signed between Vietnam and the EU inHanoi on June 30, 2019.
The NA’s resolution ratifying the EVFTA stipulates thedirect application of the full trade pact excluding clauses 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Article3.57 of Chapter 3. To carry out the excluded terms, the NA will issue aresolution on approving and allowing the enforcement of judgments by agencieshandling investment conflicts under the agreement.
Full content of the EVIPA is also applied directly asstipulated by the resolution ratifying it. The pact is set to be applied to theUK from the time it taking effect to December 31 this year. The duration can beextended to a maximum of 24 months following the agreement between Britain andthe EU on the withdrawal of the nation from the bloc./.