RoK Daegu Bank to open branch in HCM City

Daegu Bank of the Republic of Korea (RoK) is preparing to open a branch in Ho Chi Minh City in the near future with support from the State Bank of Vietnam.
RoK Daegu Bank to open branch in HCM City ảnh 1An overview of Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Daegu Bank of the Republic of Korea (RoK) is preparing to open a branch in Ho Chi Minh City in the near future with support from the State Bank of Vietnam.

At a meeting with CEO & Chairman of the bank Park In-Gyu in the RoK on September 13, Secretary of HCM City’s Party Committee Dinh La Thang said his city welcomes Daegu’s plan.

The presence of the bank in the southern metropolis is welcome as a large number of Korean businesses invest in HCM City, he added.

The official said he hopes the branch will come into operation soon to promote the bilateral economic ties.

Daegu’s representative office was set up in HCM City in December 2014.

Cooperation between HCM City and Daegu city since May 2015 has opened up new opportunities for the two sides to implement cooperation projects.-VNA


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