RoK exhibition shows photos of artificial island-building in East Sea

An exhibition featuring photos on China’s artificial island-building activity at Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) Archipelagos in the East Sea is running in the Republic of Korea (RoK) from May 31 to June 15.
An exhibition featuring photos on China’s artificial island-building activity at Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) Archipelagos in the East Sea is running in the Republic of Korea (RoK) from May 31 to June 15.

The exhibition, which was held by the Association of Korean People Loving Vietnam (VESAMO) in the RoK in collaboration with the Dongwon University, displays around 80 photos of atolls and reefs in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, which were taken before, during and after the time China began activities that changed the state quo in the area.

There are also old images and maps indicating the location of the two archipelagos in the East Sea.

Addressing at the opening ceremony, Chang Ho-ick, President of VESAMO, emphasized that East Sea is a key international maritime transport route and is rich in natural resources.

It has an extremely important geopolitical position to not only countries in the region but also all countries in the world, Chang said, adding that maintaining an environment of peace, stability and cooperation and development in the East Sea is the responsibility of all nations and is an important factor to ensuring peace, security and freedom of navigation, aviation as well as international trade.

Chang said recently China has implemented many construction activities in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, creating negative impacts on the sea environment, threatening coral reefs and biodiversity in the area.

He hoped that the exhibition will provide viewers with a better understanding about what is happening in the East Sea, especially the changes of geographical structures in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos.

Chang said via the event VESAMO wants to deliver its message calling on relevant parties to end actions leading to tensions and unilateral actions that change the status quo in the East Sea.

It also hopes to promote goodwill and cooperation to preserve peace, stability, and development in the region as well as protecting the marine ecological environment and biodiversity in the East Sea.-VNA

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