HCM City (VNA) - Investment in Vietnam from the Republic of Korea(RoK) is expected to rise further, increasing demand for labour, according tothe Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (Kotra).
The RoK is already the largest foreign investor in Vietnam, according to theForeign Investment Agency, with a total of 64.55 billion USD in 7,905 projects,accounting for over 18 percent of FDI.
At a recent Korea-Vietnam job fair in HCM City, 45 RoK firms hired Vietnamesefor positions in production, quality management, import-export management, HR,interpretation, accounting, sales and marketing, with the largest demand beingfor sales, marketing and production management personnel and interpreters.
They included subsidiaries of major companies such as Lotte, Posco, LG,Daesang, Emart, Shinhan Bank, and Korea Exchange Bank,
Nearly 1,400 Vietnamese took part in the fair.
Speaking about the Vietnamese workforce, Kim Hyeri, a Kotra executive in HCMCity, said its quality has improved significantly in recent years.
Vietnamese labourers are diligent and scrupulous but need to improve theirtechnical skills, she said.
The fair also featured a seminar on start-ups to apprise students and graduateswith information about the country’s start-up eco-system and support programmesthat are available for start-up individuals and organisations.
Organised by KOTRA and the RoK consulate in HCM City annually since 2013, thefair seeks to support Korean companies but also offer Vietnamese students anopportunity to embark on careers.-VNA