HCM City (VNA) – A line-up of businesses from the Republic ofKorea (RoK) hope to land investment in Ho Chi Minh City, especially in thesectors of high technology and IT, said Chairman of the Federation of KoreanIndustries (KDI) Huh Chang-soo on September 13.
During a reception given by Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee NguyenThanh Phong, Huh said that Korean businesses hope to receive further supportfrom municipal authorities during their investments, helping to foster thedevelopment of both investors and the city, while also enhancing fruitfulRoK-Vietnam cooperation relations.
Ho Chi Minh City has proven itself as an alluring destination for foreigninvestment with half of this in Vietnam being run from the city, he pointedout, emphasising that investors from around the world will come to the city,and Vietnam more generally, to capitalise on its advantages and potential.
With a view to building Ho Chi Minh City into a smart urban area and regionaleconomic, financial, and sci-tech hub, the city’s leading officials have beenconsistent in rolling out the red carpet for foreign investors, including thosefrom the RoK, said Chairman Phong.
The city is currently prioritising projects in urban infrastructure,electronics, food processing, engineering, and information and technology, hesaid, affirming that municipal authorities commit to accompanying the investorsin removing any bottlenecks and ensuring that they have successful business inthe locality.
Registering more than 4.8 billion USD in 1,530 projects in Ho Chi Minh City,the RoK is currently the third largest investor among the 98 countries andterritories investing in the city. Some 2,000 Korean firms are investing in thecity, many of whom have built their own brands and prestige in the Vietnamesemarket. –VNA