HCM City (VNA) – Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (RoK) ChungSye-kyun left Ho Chi Minh City on April 27, wrapping up his three-day official visitto Vietnam at the invitation of National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi KimNgan.
At talks and meetings with Vietnam’s top leaders, the two sides were unanimousthat the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the RoK have beendeveloping strongly, evidenced by the regular exchange of high-level visits aswell as visits from ministries, sectorsand localities, and support at regional and international forums.
The two countries will continue broadening their cooperation across the board, seekconcrete measures to balance trade, and accelerate cultural exchangeprogrammes, among others.
Vietnam and the RoK will organize more exchanges between parliamentarians, workclosely at regional and international parliamentary forums, and listen toopinions from the business circles and residents so to monitor the making andsupplementing of laws and policies to create a stable and favorable legalenvironment for their citizens living in the other country.
Each country has about 140,000 citizens living and working in the other country.
With nearly 6,000 valid projects worth 50.98 billion USD, the RoK is taking thelead among 116 countries and territories investing in Vietnam.
Vietnam and the RoK established diplomatic ties on December 22, 1992. - VNA