Seoul (VNA) – The Korea Customs Service (KCS) on July15 announced it will jointly run an Electronic Origin Data Exchange System(EODES), which allows certificates of origin to be processed through electronicplatforms, with Vietnam and India from next year.
The news was announced during a meeting between the KCSand its customs chapters nationwide the same day which aimed to collectfeedback from concerning authorities for the optimization of free tradeagreements the Republic of Korea have signed.
The RoK has already been operating a similar system withChina and Indonesia, according to Kim Jong-ho, director of the KCS’s International AffairsBureau.
The KCS has also decided to expand the use of aself-certification system enabling exporters, producers and importers to voluntarilyprovide proofs of origin of goods. This will allow parties to quickly correctminor mistakes on certificates of origin and speed up customs procedures./.