Russia, Cambodia sign 8 cooperation agreements

Russia and Cambodia have agreed on the signing of eight cooperation agreements between the two countries in several areas.
Russia, Cambodia sign 8 cooperation agreements ảnh 1Russian Prime Ministers Dmitry Medvedev (Source:

Moscow (VNA) – Russia and Cambodia have agreed on the signing of eight cooperation agreements between the two countries in several areas.

The corresponding agreements were concluded in Moscow on May 17 as the results of talks of the two countries’ Prime Ministers Dmitry Medvedev and Hun Sen.

The cooperation agreements are in the areas of military technology cooperation, investment and trade projects by 2020, judiciary links , information and information technology. An agreement on cooperation between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the two countries was also signed.

Russia’s Rosatom Nuclear Power Corporation and Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment have agreed to establish a joint working group for cooperation in the field of use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes, and for the creation of a nuclear power information centre in Cambodia.

After talks with Dmitry Medvedev, Hun Sen will go to Sochi where he will attend a Russia-ASEAN jubilee summit.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spend the previous week holding talks with Prime Ministers of ASEAN countries arriving in Russia for the summit. He met with his Vietnamese opposite number Nguyen Xuan Phuc on May 16.

The summit will be held on May 19 -20.-VNA


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