Russia, Indonesia sign defence cooperation agreement

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo signed a defence cooperation deal on May 18 in Sochi, Russia.
Russia, Indonesia sign defence cooperation agreement ảnh 1 Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo signed a defence cooperation deal on May 18 (Source:Internet)

Moscow (VNA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo signed a defence cooperation deal on May 18 in Sochi, Russia.

Further details of the agreement were not revealed.

The two leaders also agreed to exchange intelligence information.

Earlier, the two presidents held talks to discuss bilateral ties and the Asia-Pacific region.

Speaking at a press conference after the talks, Putin said the two sides agreed to widen contacts between defence ministries and security agencies.

President Joko Widodo is in Sochi to attend the 20th anniversary of Russia-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership.-VNA


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