Russian news agency praises Vietnam’s fight against COVID-19

RIA Novosti, one of Russia’s biggest news agencies, ran an article on April 29 saying Vietnam’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been amazing.
Russian news agency praises Vietnam’s fight against COVID-19 ảnh 1A woman in a quarantine centre has her body temperature checked. (Photo: VNA)

Moscow (VNA) -
RIA Novosti, one of Russia’s biggest news agencies, ran an article on April 29 saying Vietnam’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been amazing.

While many countries have struggled, Vietnam has contained the disease and had zero fatalities, the article said.

The reason lies in the effective preventive measures the Vietnamese Government has taken throughout the two waves of the pandemic.
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told the country: “Each factory, each neighbourhood, and each citizen must become a fortress in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” the agency wrote.

The article also quoted Associate Professor Peter Tsvetov from the Moscow diplomatic academy as saying Vietnamese people understand and respect their citizen rights while the Government knows how to mobilise public support.

A Russian woman in Ho Chi Minh City was quoted as saying that everyone observed regulations and stayed at home.

Recent events have reflected Vietnam’s sound organisational capacity and people’s confidence in the Government, she added.

There is no discrimination against Europeans, which has been seen in some countries. On the contrary, Vietnamese are friendly, she said, noting that its secret in the fight is public awareness and prompt responses from authorities.

The article also spoke of Vietnam’s international cooperation in this regard, saying the US Centers for Disease Control sent a delegation to the country in late February to learn from its experience in pandemic response.
Vietnam now helps other countries in the fight, the agency wrote, by presenting them with hundreds of thousands of medical face masks./.

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