Seminar on developing fisheries cooperatives

Vietnam and a number of other countries shared their experience in developing fisheries cooperatives at a seminar in the central coastal city of Da Nang on June 15.
Vietnam and a number of other countries shared their experience in developing fisheries cooperatives at a seminar in the central coastal city of Da Nang on June 15.

The event was co-organised by the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, the International Cooperative Fisheries Organisation (ICFO) and countries that have substantial fishing fleets.

Opening the seminar, ICFO President Lee Jong Koo, the event offers a forum for discussion of plans to develop fisheries and raises the awareness of the existing regulations.

The seminar also discussed ways of dealing with challenges and difficulties facing the fishing industry to maintain sustainable development, he said.

According to ICFO, fishing cooperatives are making a big effort to raise their social position and protect the interests of fishermen on the basis of self-reliance, democracy and equality.

The global fishing industry is currently coping with a wide range of problems such as pollution, increasing oil prices, the rapid depletion of natural resources and global warming.

In that context, the organisation has called on fishing cooperatives to work closely with each other to tackle the ongoing challenges.

With a coastal line over 3,200 km long, Vietnam is perfectly situated to have a thriving maritime economy, especially fisheries.

In 2011, the country’s total aquatic product output reached 5.3 million tonnes with the export turnover exceeding 6.1 billion USD. The sector also employs nearly 5 million people.

Over the past decade, Vietnam ’s seafood output has recorded an annual average increase of 3.8 percent and the country harbours over 25,200 fishing boats.-VNA

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