Seminar updates VN businesses on Russian laws

The Vietnamese Embassy in Russia hosted a seminar in Moscow on Dec. 10 to help Vietnamese businesses get updated on Russia’s laws on foreign investment and legal regulations relating to foreigners’ employment in Russia.
The Vietnamese Embassy in Russia hosted a seminar in Moscow on Dec. 10 to help Vietnamese businesses get updated on Russia’s laws on foreign investment and legal regulations relating to foreigners’ employment in Russia.

Co-organisers of the event were Vietnam Business Association, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the State Registration Chamber (GRP) of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

Ambassador Bui Dinh Dinh expressed his hope that the seminar will also help businesspeople in the two countries, especially Vietnamese businesses in Russia , to seek opportunities to invest in the fields of their strength.

The seminar was a practical step to realise the agreements reached by the two countries’ leaders to increase the quality of bilateral economic ties, the diplomat said.

At the event, representatives from the GRP, the Federal Customs Service (FTS) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) provided the participants with the latest legal procedures related to business, trade, investment and customs.

At present, the Russian government in general and the Moscow administration in particular are applying measures to reorganise foreigners’ business activities and their residence to make them abide by Russian laws in conducting business./.

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