Senior Public Security official promoted

President Truong Tan Sang on October 22 handed a decision to promote Lieutenant General Bui Van Nam, member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security, to the rank of Senior Lieutenant General.
President Truong Tan Sang on October 22 handed a decision to promote Lieutenant General Bui Van Nam, member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security, to the rank of Senior Lieutenant General.

Speaking at a ceremony, President Sang said the promotion demonstrates the Party and State’s recognition of Senior Lieutenant General Nam’s contributions.

He said that in his new position, Nam needs to exert more efforts to uphold the sector’s glorious tradition and fulfil all the tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.

For his part, Nam affirmed that he will do his utmost to render more services to the nation, be a loyal servant of the Party and people, and continue to join hands with others to successfully fulfil the task of safeguarding national security and socio-political stability.-VNA

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