The short films, which can be found on https://bit.ly/phimmoitruong, focuson forest protection, water and electricity savings, plastic wastereduction, and sustainable fashion.
The films feature famous public figures such as actress Ha Huog, MC PhanAnh, MC Danh Tung, MC Thuy Linh, and many directors and filmmakers in Vietnamand abroad.
VSF encourages stakeholders to use the films as communication materials inenvironmental protection projects.
VSF jointly implemented the films with Touch, TH Group and Bac A BANK.
The talk show “Youth and civil society organizations (CSOs): Actionfor a green environment and environmental non-profit community film series”with 70 participants aims to promote cooperation between youth andCSOs in environmental protection.
It's part of the project "Youth for Environment"that encourages the participation of youth in environmental issues,and promotes positive changes in governmental policies andlaws on environmental issues for sustainable development.
The project is one of 13 initiatives funded by the Asia-Pacific Media Grants2020 of the Earth Journalism Network. This is the only project in ViệtNam to receive funding from EJN.
Previously, VSF implemented a number of environmental projects incollaboration with youth under the programme "Action for the Environment", oneof five core programmes of VSF.
Tran Thi Nhu Trang, director of VSF, said: “The environmental non-profitcommunity films will be widely used in events, forums or activities ofstakeholders as environmental communication material, spreading a greenlifestyle and actions that are environmentally friendly, for a sustainablefuture."
Participants were also introduced to other models of cooperation betweenCSOs and young people through projects on marine plastic wasteand climate change adaptation, as well as traditional environmentalcommunications and communication through art forms, resource mobilisation ofCSOs in youth-collaboration projects, and future plans for projects./.