Spring programme for OV in Hanoi

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Hanoi People’s Committee, will co-host a spring programme for Overseas Vietnamese (OV) who return to their homeland for the Tet festival, on Jan. 15 in Hanoi.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Hanoi People’s Committee, will co-host a spring programme for Overseas Vietnamese (OV) who return to their homeland for the Tet festival, on Jan. 15 in Hanoi.

Foreign Deputy Minister Nguyen Thanh Son said the programme, which will be televised live from Ba Dinh square, has become a traditional springtime activity, to call on Overseas Vietnamese’s support as well as enhance the national solidarity bloc, especially in the first year of implementation of the 11 th Party Congress’ Resolution and the socio-economic development plan in 2011-2015.

The programme will begin at 4pm with many activities including paying tribute at Ho Chi Minh mausoleum and offering incense at the Kinh Thien Palace of Thang Long Imperial Citadel and One Pillar Pagoda. Artistic performances will be staged from 8pm. Party and State leaders will meet with participants to wish them a happy new year.

A New Year’s Eve party for OV will also be held at Ho Chi Minh Museum as part of the programme./.

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