Minister of Information and CommunicationsTruong Minh Tuan signed and sealed the set.
At the ceremony, Deputy Minister ofInformation and Communications Nguyen Minh Hong recalled Vietnamese history,saying that on early January 31, 1968 morning (the first day of the Lunar NewYear), Vietnamese armed forces and people launched attacks in four out of sixmajor cities, including Sai Gon – Gia Dinh and Hue, 37 out of 44 townships andhundreds of towns and districts in the south.
The Tet Offensive upset strategic posture onthe battlefields, forcing the US to deescalate the war and paving the way forthe next attacks, ultimately the Great Spring 1975 Victory that ended theAmerican war in Vietnam, contributing to the liberation of the south andnational reunification, he said.
Over the past 50 years, the event has becomea symbol of the strong will and determination and aspiration for peace andindependence of the entire Vietnamese nation.
The 31mm x 46 mm stamps, designed by painterTran The Vinh, depict monuments dedicated to loyal soldiers and people in thesouth with doves of peace and bandanas flying in the wind.
Each costs 3,000 VND and willbe sold on the VPC’s website from February 8, 2018 to December 31, 2019.-VNA