State leader high values home security force’s performance

State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Chairman of the Defence - Security Council and Commander of the people’s armed forces, visited the Home Security Department of the Ministry of Public Security on April 27.
State leader high values home security force’s performance ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc reviews the guard of honour while visiting the Home Security Department on April 27. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Chairman of the Defence - Security Council and Commander of the people’s armed forces, visited the Home Security Department of the Ministry of Public Security on April 27.

The trip was made on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975) and the 68th anniversary of the victory of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign (May 7, 1954).

The department reported that facing increased sabotage activities by hostile and reactionary forces, along with various difficulties and new challenges to the home security situation, it has unceasingly reformed its mindset and countermeasures while staying creative in fighting enemies, thereby excellently fulfilling every task and performing its role as the locomotive of the nationwide home security force.

President Phuc said under the Party and State’s direct and comprehensive leadership, the people’s public security forces, including the home security force, obtained glorious victories in the resistance wars against France and the US, greatly helping protect the Party, the people’s administration, and national development.

State leader high values home security force’s performance ảnh 2President Nguyen Xuan Phuc  addresses the working session with the Home Security Department on April 27. (Photo: VNA)
He spoke highly of the department’s performance amid numerous challenges in recent years, when it has brought into play its core role in firmly safeguarding national security and social order and safety. It has taken the initiative in preventing and eliminating many latent factors that may complicate the home security situation, thus contributing to political stability, socio-economic recovery and development, and the expansion of foreign relations.

Stressing the critical importance of home security, the State leader requested the department to concertedly and effectively perform its duties, have a good grasp of the situation, and deal with new problems right from the grassroots level to prevent them from getting complicated or turning into “security hotspots”.

It is necessary to further enhance the people-based security and defence, help thoroughly resolve disputes and complaints, and intensify the mobilisation of people, religious dignitaries and followers, as well as ethnic minorities to support the Party and State’s policies and laws so as to maintain the great national solidarity, he added.

The leader also demanded the department to proactively prevent “peaceful evolution” plots and activities by hostile and reactionary forces in order to guarantee absolute security and safety for the country’s important political, cultural, and sports events in the coming time./.

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