The funding – part of a newly-issued prime ministerial decision – willbe spent on all trade promotion programmes intended to develop exportsand further exploit the domestic market, especially in mountainous,border and island areas.
Under the decision, thedevelopment of networks for the distribution of domestic goods andservices to the highlands, border zones and islands will be fully fundedby the State budget.
In addition, the State will providecomplete funding for programmes to advertise and promote the consumptionof Vietnam 's goods, especially agricultural produce, in thoseregions.
The Prime Minister has approved a plan todisburse about 16 billion VND (842,000 USD) from the State budget ontrade promotion programmes in border regions this year, said deputydirector of the Ministry of Industry and Trade's Mountainous Area TradeDepartment Nguyen Van Hoi.
Under the newly-issueddecision, funding will also be made available for overseas fact-findingtrade missions; international export expos in Vietnam ; theexamination and research of the domestic market; building agoods-and-services database; short-term business training courses andthe forming of retail networks.
Seventy percent of thecosts for trade information, market research and the establishment ofdatabases for key export markets will be covered by the decision.
Programmes intended to promote Vietnam 's goods and services inrural and urban areas as well as industrial zones will be entitled tothe same aid.
Exhibitions of materials and equipment foragricultural and rural development will be entitled to 50 percent oforganisational costs.
Minister of Industry and Trade VuHuy Hoang said that there had been 56 national trade promotionprogrammes costing 72 billion VND (3.7 million USD) approved this year./.