Tan Son Nhat Airport expects over 4 million passengers during Tet

HCM City’s Tan Son Nhat International Airport is expected to receive more than 4 million passengers in the month during Tet, the Lunar New Year, which falls on February 5 this year.

HCM City’s Tan Son Nhat International Airport is expected to receive more than 4 million passengers in the month during Tet, the Lunar New Year, which falls on February 5 this year.

The Tan Son Nhat Customs Bureau has launched a programme to welcome passengers, especially overseas Vietnamese coming home at the start of the Year of the Pig.

It has introduced an app which can help passengers find information about customs procedures for their luggage and the estimated duty on goods they bring in.

According to the bureau, the airport will serve an average of 134,200 passengers a day during the month.

The number of flights to and from the airport is expected to increase by around 10 per cent from last year to 806-820.

The agency has taken measures such as increasing staff for ground services to ensure quality and aviation security and safety.-VNA