Greeningtextile and garment production chains is currently a global trend that arecompulsory for businesses to achieve sustainability. It is also a requirementplaced on manufacturers as the EU, which imports over 4 billion USD worth oftextiles and garments from Vietnam annually, has proposed the imposition ofsome eco-regulations on imports.
Major fashionbrands in the world are also prioritising green enterprises to place their orders orrequesting suppliers to adopt green practices.
Facingchallenges and strict requirements from the market, many Vietnamese businessesare making changes towards green manufacturing, including upgrading factories and using recycled fabric and green energy.
Among them,the Hanoi Textile & Garment Joint Stock Corporation (Hanosimex) and theHansae group of the Republic of Korea are implementing a recycled fabricproduction project in Vietnam.
HansaeDeputy General Director K. Kim said the two enterprises will be the first inVietnam’s textile and garment industry to make a historic turning point withthe formation of a complete supply chain, from yarn making, weaving, dying tosewing, particularly for recycled products.
They willproduce yarn and fabric from recycled fibre in Vietnam, and all of those productswill be used to produce garment for export. About 4,000 tonnes of recycled fabric will bemanufactured for the EU market in the coming time, he noted.
LeTien Truong, Chairman of the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), said developinga circular economy and environmentally friendly products is now a trend in theglobal textile and garment market. From now to 2050, the EU will issue newrules on textile and garment products, with a focus on green ones.
He heldthat the strategic cooperation between Hanosimex and Hansae will help the twosides increase the proportion of recycled, green, and eco-friendly items.
Vinatex has invested in new technology to reduce 30% of wastewater discharged from the dying process and reuse 30% of treated wastewater. It also aims to use reneable energy for 10% of its power consumption.
In theMekong Delta province of An Giang, the Danish-invested Spectre garment factory,which specialises in producing outdoor sport clothing for export, will bepartly fueled by renewable energy.
The 17million USD factory, the third plant of Spectre in Vietnam, has been granted the LEED (Leadership in Energyand Environmental Design) certification.
With amodern design and the use of solar power, it is able to reduce some 1,600tonnes of CO2 emitted each year./.