Thai Binh: 2017 Tran Temple Festival opens

The Tran Temple Festival opened at the national special historical complex of the Tran Kings’ shrines and tombs in Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province, on February 9.
Thai Binh: 2017 Tran Temple Festival opens ảnh 1Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Hoang Trung Hai beats a drum to open the festival (Source: VNA)
Thai Binh (VNA) – The Tran Temple Festival, one of the biggest annual spring festivals in Vietnam, opened at the national special historical complex of the Tran Kings’ shrines and tombs in Tien Duc commune, Hung Ha district, in the northern province of Thai Binh, on February 9 (the 13th day of the first lunar month).

The six-day festival aims to honour the Tran Dynasty (1225-1440), thus educating people on the nation’s cultural tradition and patriotism.

In his opening speech, Chairman of the Hung Ha district People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Tuyen highlighted the significance of the event and recalled the development of the Tran Dynasty – one of the most prosperous of Vietnam’s feudal dynasties.

On the opening night, art programmes were on show, inlcuding drum performances, dragon and lion dancing, and the Cheo drama “ Doi luan anh hung” on Thai Su Tran Thu Do (Great Tutor Tran Thu Do).

Earlier the same day, a water procession to recognise the Tran dynasty was joined by thousands of people at the complex, featuring the daily life of locals in river areas.

The Tran Temple Festival was recognised as national intangible heritage in 2014. The historical complex of the Tran Kings’ shrines and tombs received special national relic status in 2015. 

The Tran Dynasty repelled the Yuan-Mongols on three occasions, making it one of the greatest periods in Vietnamese history. 

Thai Binh is considered the birthplace of the Tran Kings, while northern Nam Dinh province was their first residential area. A spring festival is also held at the Tran temple complex in the neighbouring province of Nam Dinh in the first lunar month every year.-VNA

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