Thai company seeks opportunity in logistics industry in Can Tho

Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Limited from Thailand is looking for business opportunities in the local seaport and logistics industry.
Thai company seeks opportunity in logistics industry in Can Tho ảnh 1Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city Truong Quang Hoai Nam (centre) ​at the meeting with representatives from Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Limited​. (Photo: VNA)

Can Tho (VNA) – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city Truong Quang Hoai Nam on May 8 received Sigmund Stromme, Executive Vice President for shipping and logistics at Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Limited from Thailand, who is looking for business opportunities in the local seaport and logistics industry.

Speaking at the meeting, Nam said logistics is a key industry for the city, noting that the government approved a city proposal to build a logistics hub for the Mekong Delta which will cover 242 hectares in Cai Cui Port, Cai Rang district.

The city has proposed the government to merge three ports – Tan Cang Cai Cui, Vinaline Cai Cui and Cai Cui – into the largest port in the region with a wharf length of about 1,200 metres, the vice chairman said.

Site clearance for the logistics hub is underway and firms have visited the site to learn about investment opportunities, he added.

Nam suggested that Thoresen may be interested in buying stakes in Vinaline to join the port-merging project, building a new port at another site along the Hau River, or investing in the existing system of warehouses and transportation at Cai Cui Port.

For his part, the executive vice president of Thoresen gave Nam an overview of the Thai company, saying that the company has been operating in fertiliser production and shipping and logistics in southern Ba Ria – Vung Tau province.

Stromme hoped the company could partner with Can Tho city to improve port management and expand local shipping and logistics services with an emphasis on container transit service to Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and Singapore.

After the meeting, the two sides took a field trip to Cai Cui Port.-VNA

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