Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand's export value is expected to grow between 1% and2% in 2024 amid global economic uncertainty, the Thai National Shippers'Council (TNSC) said on January 9.
Export, a key driver of the Southeast Asian country'seconomic growth, is projected to expand up to about 290 billion USD in 2024,weighted down by THB appreciation, high global interest rates, geopoliticaltensions, and uncertainties in production costs.
Speaking at a press conference, TNSC chairmanChaichan Chareonsuk said that the slight increase in the kingdom's export thisyear is attributed to a weak global economy and unforeseen risks that need tobe managed.
Inorder to revive the economy, the Thai government is rolling out stimulus measuressuch as visa waivers for Chinese tourists, debt forbearance for farmers,minimum wage hike, and plans to distribute 10,000 THB (285 USD) in digital currency toevery Thais 16 years old and above at a total cost of about 500 billion THB./.