Thai province creates favourable conditions for Vietnamese community

Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh on December 4 worked with authorities of the province of Saraburi to discuss measures to step up cooperation between localities of the two countries in investment, trade, economy, tourism, culture and people-to-people exchanges.
Thai province creates favourable conditions for Vietnamese community ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh (L) and Saraburi Deputy Governor Angkana Chitatitta at their meeting on December 4. (Photo: VNA)
Bangkok (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh on December 4 worked with authorities of the province of Saraburi to discuss measures to step up cooperation between localities of the two countries in investment, trade, economy, tourism, culture and people-to-people exchanges.
The ambassador also attended the inauguration of a cemetery of Thai people of Vietnamese origin, the first of its kind in the Bangkok region and neighbouring provinces, in Saraburi.

At a working session with Saraburi Deputy Governor Angkana Chitatitta, Thanh highlighted the important meaning of the cemetery in encouraging and assisting the community to maintain burial rites according to Vietnamese customs and practices; and to preserve and promote the cultural identity of their home country.

Highlighting the sound growth of the strengthened strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand across almost all fields, Thanh affirmed that Thailand is an important partner of Vietnam in Southeast Asia.

He proposed the provincial authorities continue creating favourable conditions for the Thai people of Vietnamese origin working and living in Saraburi, and study demand for cooperation and connection with Vietnamese localities via the exchanges of visits by leaders and businesses.

The Vietnamese Embassy is ready to work closely with Saraburi in promoting such collaboration and linkages with their Vietnamese peers, Thanh stressed.

Expressing her delight at the community’s building of their own cemetery, the deputy governor pledged to provide more assistance and favourable conditions for them to live and work in the province.

She also said Saraburi is willing to send business delegations to Vietnam, learning about the nation’s investment environment and cooperation especially in industry, construction and culture.

Saraburi is a gateway to the central region of Thailand, with strengths in construction, industry, and dairy production./.

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