Bangkok (VNA) - Thailand started the delivery of aid to Myanmar on March 25,in a humanitarian initiative that seeks to pave the way for negotiationsbetween the parties in the neighbouring country.
Thefirst batch of 4,000 relief bags carrying rice, dried food, and otheressentials for 20,000 people was delivered in a convoy by the Thai Red Cross toits Myanmar counterpart at the Mae Sot-Myawaddy border crossing, Thailand'sforeign ministry said in a statement.
Theproject is part of a wider peace initiative by Thailand to establish ahumanitarian corridor, backed by the 10-member Association of Southeast AsianNations (ASEAN).
TheUnited Nations said at least 2.6 million people have been displaced byfighting and more than 18 million people are in need of assistance.
Aa neighbour of Myanmar, Thailand is hoping it can play a role in bringing thefighting to a manageable level and encouraging talks.
Theaid will be distributed in three pilot locations in Myanmar's Kayin state,observed by ASEAN's humanitarian and disaster agency./.