The ‘Clean Up to the Countdown’ campaigntargets 10,000 companies across Thailand that are thought to be using illegalsoftware, including corporations in different sectors, such as manufacturing,construction, banking and finance, engineering, architecture, media, design, ITand healthcare.
The BSA is working with the Economic CrimeSuppression Division to ramp up enforcement against corporations using illegalsoftware and has already helped identify nearly 10,000 companies in 10provinces suspected of using illegal software.
From now until the end of the year, thedivision will continue to raid companies who do not comply with the Thai lawsprotecting software copyright.
Meanwhile, the BSA is contacting thousandsof corporate leaders in Thailand to offer guidance and advice in addressingillegal software use in the workplace.
BSA Senior Director Tarun Sawney said there are many CEOswhose companies have hundreds or thousands of PCs, who simply may not be awareof the type of software running on their corporation’s PCs – and whether it islegal or not.
The campaign is a part of Legalize andProtect initiative launched earlier this year. So far, the initiative hashelped thousands companies in Thailand legalise their software assets andprotect data from malware and hackers./.