Thanks from funeral organising board and family of General Giap

The Party Central Committee, National Assembly, State President, Government, Fatherland Front, Central Military Commission, Ministry of Defence, funeral organising board and family of General Vo Nguyen Giap on October 13 expressed thanks to individuals and organisations for paying tribute to the military leader.
The Party Central Committee, National Assembly, State President, Government, Fatherland Front, Central Military Commission, Ministry of Defence, funeral organising board and family of General Vo Nguyen Giap on October 13 expressed thanks to individuals and organisations for paying tribute to the military leader.

Thanks was extended to fellow countrymen, comrades, overseas Vietnamese, revolutionary veterans, intellectuals, scholars, religious dignitaries, agencies, organisations, localities, and armed forces and the Quang Binh province Party Committee and locals, diplomatic corps, and international organisations and friends for sending messages of condolences and wreaths and attending respect-paying, memorial and burial services for General Giap.

General Giap - former Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Standing Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army, passed away on October 4 in Hanoi at the age of 103.

His funeral was organised between October 11 and 13. The national flag was blown at half-mast and entertainment events were cancelled.

He was laid to rest in Vung Chua – Dao Yen area in his native province of Quang Binh on October 13.-VNA

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