The meaning of asking for calligraphy works at the Temple of Literature before exams

Before the National High School Graduation Exam, Hanoian students eagerly went to Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam to ask for calligraphy works and pray for good luck.

Before the National High School Graduation Exam, Hanoian students eagerly went to Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam to ask for calligraphy works and pray for good luck.

The act of giving letters at the Temple of Literature is rooted in the tradition of studiousness from ancient times. Before each important exam, students often come here to ask for words like "Thuan Khoa" (approval), "Dang Khoa" (registration), and "Do Dat" (pass).

Today, asking for letters and offering at the Temple of Literature before each exam still help to create a spiritual fulcrum for the students./.