'The tale of Kieu' - inspired dance returns

After two performances, “the tale of Kieu”-inspired dance by Korean choreographer Yoo-oh Chun has won the hearts of audiences and is returning for the third time at the Ho Chi Minh City Theatre.

After two performances, “the tale of Kieu”-inspired dance by Korean choreographer Yoo-oh Chun has won the hearts of audiences and is returning for the third time at the Ho Chi Minh City Theatre.

The dance takes a fresh perspective on the inner world of Kieu, as well as her thoughts and feelings. Compared to the last two performances in 2018, this one still holds true to the initial idea of the performance, however, the energy and emotion portrayed by performers will be much different.

Through body language, the dance focuses on depicting the internal struggles of Kieu and others’ emotional turmoil. To intensify the struggle and offer audiences a more in-depth look at the life of Kieu, other prominent figures such as Tu Hai and Kim Trong are introduced.

Music is also an important element of the dance. The performance utilises the colourful music from Western music, Korean music and mixed with Vietnamese traditional music to create a indigenous feel to the performance.-VNA