Three high-ranking military, police officials disciplined

The Politburo and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on July 28 decided to take disciplinary actions against three high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defence for their multiple wrongdoings.
Three high-ranking military, police officials disciplined ảnh 1Lt. Gen. Bui Van Thanh, Deputy Minister of Public Security. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Politburo and the Secretariatof the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on July 28 decidedto take disciplinary actions against three high-ranking officials from theMinistry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defence for their multiplewrongdoings.

The decision was made at a meeting of the two officeschaired by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Taking into account the proposal from the CentralCommittee’s Inspection Commission a day earlier, the Politburo concluded thatLt. Gen. Bui Van Thanh, member of the Central Public Security Commission,Deputy Minister of Public Security directly in charge of the General Departmentof Logistics and Technology, former member of the Party Committee’s StandingBoard and former Vice Director General of the General Department, must sharethe responsibility for the wrongdoings and shortcomings of the PartyCommittee’s Standing Board of General Department.

Thanh himself violated the principle of democraticcentralism, showed a lack of responsibility and lax leadership, thus lettingmany wrongdoings and mistakes happen at the General Department. Inspectionsalso revealed that Thanh violated regulations on protecting State secrets andthe working regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. He signed documentsproposing the sale of a number of security houses and land plots against thelaw, and a number of other documents not within his authority.

Thanh also inked decisions to allow Phan Van Anh Vu tojoin delegations on visits to foreign countries and to grant him a diplomaticpassport against the law.

His wrongdoings were declared as causing very seriousconsequences and negatively affecting the prestige of the Party organisationand the Ministry of Public Security. The Politburo decided to dismiss him fromall his posts in the Party and to ask the Party Committee of the Government todirect the implementation of the procedures of administrative disciplineagainst Thanh and to demote him to a lower rank in accordance with theregulations.

After considering the Inspection Commission’s proposal ondisciplining Sen. Lt. Gen. Tran Viet Tan, former member of the Central PublicSecurity Commission and former Deputy Minister of Public Security, thePolitburo found out that Tan showed irresponsibility and lax of leadershipduring his term of office. He also signed some documents in violation ofregulations on protecting state secrets, causing very serious consequences,very badly affecting the prestige of the public security sector and himself,and sparked bad public opinion in society.

The Politburo decided to relieve him from the post as memberof the Central Public Security Commission in the 2011-2016 tenure and assignedthe Government’s Party Civil Affairs Committee to carry out the administrativediscipline process against Tan and demote him to a lower rank.

The same day, after considering the Inspection Commission’sproposal on disciplining Sen. Lt. Gen. Phuong Minh Hoa, former member of theParty Central Committee, former Vice Director of the General PoliticalDepartment of the Vietnam People’s Army, former Secretary of the PartyCommittee – Political Commissar; former Vice Secretary of the Party Committeeand former Commander of the Air Defence-Air Force Service, the Party CentralCommittee’s Secretariat found out that Hoa must be responsible for wrongdoingsand mistakes of the Standing Board of the Party Committee for the 2010-2015tenure.

He violated the principle of democratic centralism andworking regulations, failed to seriously abide by the Central MilitaryCommission and the Ministry of National Defence’s decisions on use andmanagement of defence land or land zoned off for defence purposes.

Hoa also showed the lack of responsibility and lax ofleadership during his term of office and signed many documents on landallocation and approved economic deals not in line with regulations.

Based on the Politburo’s Regulation No.102-QD/TW ondisciplining violated Party members, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariatdecided to mete out a warning as a disciplinary measure against Hoa.-VNA

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